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Boost by Kirkbride

Updated: Feb 28, 2020

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Jasmin Kirkbride is an author, editor, blogger, artist based in London. This book of hers was a Self Help book and I think my first such book. I actually loved it. The book’s cover is yellow colored with red and white text which gives it a really energetic feel. The book’s name itself is very enthusiastic – ‘BOOST’ and is followed by a line that says – Supercharge your confidence. All of this actually catches one’s eye and hopefully usually in a positive way. I purchased the kindle version through Amazon, if you feel you want to read a short light book that makes you feel good, you must go for it. I personally, have been going through some psychological condition since last 4 years and I found it extremely helpful. Honestly, Jasmin did not mention anything that I haven’t heard, cause I attend therapies and have really nice mentors and friends, but when it was so properly organised in a book and written step wise, quoting famous writers, it felt more like it. It felt more meaningful and helped me form some systems in head. It was a pleasant read and the language was not so tough. Some things I would recommend while reading this book are – 1. Don’t just read it, try to apply it. 2. Don’t just read it, write it somewhere and remember it from there. 3. Don’t just read it, relate it to yourself and figure your own way out. 4. Don’t just read it, read it slow so that you can get all the time to process everything it says. It’s not a story. It’s not mystery. Just give it and yourself time. Read it over and over again if required, mark your favorite pages. I am not sure if these things are too obvious, cause as I said it’s my first such read. Either way thanks for reading the blog post and hope you check ‘Boost’ out!

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